I have heard that statement. People have said it to me about students or family members, and I thought it was a ridiculous idea every time I heard it.
Hit rock?
Hit bottom?
It's not like people bounce when they hit very hard surfaces; rock for example. It's not a falling, and falling, and falling, until we stop falling because we're at the bottom, and, with springs in our legs, come up to salvation. That's not what happens to the human body.
When human beings hit rock they don't bounce... up. They don't move up at all. Their bodies smack, smash, shatter, break.
Critical injuries.
Survival unlikely.
And, I don't know if it's television and movies or just our own understanding of the medical monitoring of human life and death that makes us think that a person can flatline and then be brought back to life. Because that's not true. Flatline means you're dead. That's the end. The whole paddles and code blue drama is when someone is going into arrest. Their vitals are weakening to the point of flatlining, but they haven't flatlined yet. They have weak signs of life, but they aren't dead.
Don't most people think when the rhythmic zig-zags on the monitors, being watched so closely, the blip, blip, blip sound... when those things change to a straight line, and the endless beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, there is still hope? That's when doctors rush in and do their magic? Maybe on TV. But, not in real life. No. That's when they know they can't do anything more. It's all over.
So, think about a person going blip, blip, blip, in life and then they fall. The air as they descend to "rock bottom" is the endless beep sound whistling in their ears.
Wouldn't the prognosis for recovery be worse as the height you fall from becomes greater? Consider the homeless population. Consider how our incarcerated population. Consider how many people are seeking mental illness support, and either not getting any help, or spending most of their lives being "treated," but never feeling better. Consider how many people accept apathy and depression as their norm, and don't remember how to feel happy. Look at the statistics on drug abuse, alcoholism, cutting, and suicide in our country. People are at rock bottom and they aren't bouncing up, coming to some great understanding of how shitty things were, then worse, and "finally getting the help they need."
Wouldn't the prognosis for recovery be worse as the height you fall from becomes greater? Consider the homeless population. Consider how our incarcerated population. Consider how many people are seeking mental illness support, and either not getting any help, or spending most of their lives being "treated," but never feeling better. Consider how many people accept apathy and depression as their norm, and don't remember how to feel happy. Look at the statistics on drug abuse, alcoholism, cutting, and suicide in our country. People are at rock bottom and they aren't bouncing up, coming to some great understanding of how shitty things were, then worse, and "finally getting the help they need."
Someone has to want help to really change.
You can't help them if they don't want help.
No and no.
I want help. Fucking help me! People have tried, on some levels, but it's really hard to help someone who is suffering from depression, or anxiety, or PMDD... Especially PMDD. Fix my hormones, right? Come on, fix all the chemicals that control most of my body. I get it. I understand why people can't really help.
I understand.
I have written it down, how to help my children if they ever end up in a place like I have been for 5 years. I know, that you can't just ask the person what you can do to help.
I understand.
I have written it down, how to help my children if they ever end up in a place like I have been for 5 years. I know, that you can't just ask the person what you can do to help.
"I'm fine."
You can't put off what seems drastic-- bringing and/or admitting someone suffering from mental illness to a hospital specializing in the psychiatric field of medicine-- because... will because that person tells you they are fine. You see the signs, you don't wait. Don't wait. Years can go by, and listen, you're suffering too, not just the person with depression or any other mental illness, and your life will be greatly altered. Don't let years go by. This kind of thing doesn't clear up by itself. You know your love one more than any doctor, and if you see that a simple prescription antidepressant isn't making a significant difference, help them do something more.
Get you wild, make you leave.
I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone...
Get you wild, make you leave.
I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone...
Literally, I understand a person may not show the signs you feel like you should see, or you're too busy to see... You don't see how they are laying at rock bottom and not getting up. Look at Evelyn McHale, "The Most Beautiful Suicide." (No, wait. Don't do that. I mean, it's morbid and horrible for anyone to look gawk at a dead person. I was going to post the famous photo here, but I don't think suicide should be romanticized). What I'm saying is someone can figuratively, and literally fall from a great height and hit rock bottom and maybe no one would see how messed up he or she is inside. She is probably hiding the cuts on her arms or legs she self-inflicts when she wants relief from mental pain. I've seen too many scars or new scratches and deeper slices on my students' bodies. I see. I saw. I know my sister's scars. I have some. They are fading, but still, sometimes they bleed. Because who the fuck is listening if they can't see blood? And what do they say, but, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Truly, there is a human desire to believe we may lose someone before we fight for them. Before we fight... to help them... to keep them here... and that might be too late.
We always think we have more time.
We always think the zig-zag will go on.
Does anyone really think someone has to fall so very far, to help them? Do we think that person won't need help getting up? Won't we understand that that's when our someone's body and mind is so destroyed that their legs probably won't even be able to walk, and they won't remember how to walk even if they could?
We always think we have more time.
We always think the zig-zag will go on.
They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun.
You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun.
You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun.
Does anyone really think someone has to fall so very far, to help them? Do we think that person won't need help getting up? Won't we understand that that's when our someone's body and mind is so destroyed that their legs probably won't even be able to walk, and they won't remember how to walk even if they could?