Guess what... 10-hour train rides are not super fun. We did it--The twins and I. It was just the three of us, and it wasn't so very bad, but it was kind of crazy. We happened to be on an Amtrak train that was having engine difficulties, leading to two unscheduled stops at locations not on the normal route to switch engines... The first engine switch really messed with Stella. She didn't understand how we could be going in one direction than just apparently be going in the opposite direction and still be progressing towards our planned destination. It didn't help that the next stop, after the engine switch, was Springfield, Massachusetts. "We're going back to Springfield?!"

Yet, I have felt like I am moving in circles and isn't that almost like moving backward? I keep going back to the beginning, don't I, even though the beginning point isn't so clear. Is it so crazy to kind of want to go in a direction which tells us exactly where we will be not so far into the future? Once, I was riding through an MD neighborhood and there were three at-home-psychics within one block. What am I talking about? I don't remember.

It is destructive. No one should move backward. There's a reason time only goes in one direction.
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